Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Chapter 19 : Selecting the Master Bedroom

Written by : Master Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by : Janny Chow

When selecting a room to serve as the master bedroom in a house, most geomancers will either choose the main room on the "dragon side" or simply pick the largest, most luxurious room to be the master bedroom. It is not uncommon for people ignorant of feng-shui to make this same decision.

This selection is not necessarily wrong. However, an expert geomancer will go one step further to ensure that the master bedroom is the room with the greatest vigorous energy. Such a room is not always located on the upper dragon side and not necessarily the largest room. Such a room could be a relatively smaller, simpler room.

I once inspected the home of a movie actress and advised her to move out of her own huge, elegant bedroom and into a maid's room. How different those two rooms were!

"Why should I switch rooms?" she asked.

"Though your current bedroom is large, the chi in the room is weak and insufficient. Though small, the maid's room, on the other hand, has very nurturing, vibrant chi. If you believe me, give this new room a try."

The actress followed my advice and moved into the maid's room to sleep.

In less than three months, she was cast as the female lead in a feature film. Her performance garnered much critical acclaim, rocketing her to stardom. She began receiving so many movie offers that she could not attend to them all. During that period of time, daily newspaper articles praised her acting skills. She indeed became a red-hot movie star. She had one secret, however, which was that, every night, she abandoned her luxurious bedroom to sleep in the maid's room.

Perhaps some will think that, as the founder of a religious school, Living Buddha Lian-sheng's bedroom must be the upper room on the dragon side and the largest room in his house. It is true that my house has an upper room on the dragon side that is also the largest room in the house, but this room is not my bedroom.

I stay in a small room located at the "tail end of the tiger side." This small room has one door and one widow looking out into the backyard. And though this room is small, it accumulates and stores a vibrant energy. Such a room is the true master bedroom in the house. It is this room that enables me to develop my potential energy and sustain an indomitable will.

If a large and luxurious upper room gathers the strongest, most nourishing earth chi, one of course should use it as the master bedroom. The thing one must then heed is the placement of windows. Oversized French windows often lead to the dissipation and weakening of nourishing chi. Lighting and windows are important determinants as to whether a master bedroom gathers or dissipates chi.

In fact, the chi in bedrooms often impacts one's descendants as well. Weak chi, lacking in essence of affection, indicates few or no offspring. Accumulating chi, the presence of essence of affection, reflects plentiful offspring. If one wonders whether the offspring will be sons or daughters, make the following careful inspections: a bedroom with more yang chi than yin chi predisposes the family to the birth of sons; a bedroom with more yin chi than yang chi predisposes the family to the birth of daughters. When yang and yin chi are present in equal amounts, there is an equal chance of having sons or daughters.

As for the influences of bedroom chi upon one's career, accumulating, vigorous chi indicates success. Conversely, weak chi portends decline and failure.

The height of the bedroom ceiling is also very important. Ceilings that are too low cause one to feel crushed and suppressed. It is a pity that some wealthy folk deliberately install bumpy, uneven decorations, such as lavish canopies, on ceilings directly above their beds. Such adornments may initially appear elegant, but over time, they become boring and oppressing. Low ceilings, marks of disaster, symbolize the "suffocation" of one's career!

High bedroom ceilings should be avoided as well. Such rooms lack an essence of affection and have cold, unwelcoming atmospheres. One way to counteract this, when no other remedy exists, is to paint the ceiling a warmer, darker color.

Some people like to hang mirrors in their bedrooms. Mirrors serve two purposes: they enhance the depth of a room, and they repel things. In general, geomancers advice using mirrors in bedrooms sparingly.

Used appropriately, mirrors can convey a sense of calm and happiness. They can also contribute positively to the spiritual dimension or create "magic" in one's life. Such objectives, however, require the service of a truly learned teacher.

Truly learned geomancers have the ability to determine which room in a house is the true master bedroom. They can also discern the connection of each bedroom to its occupants. For the average individual, the least one can do is to sleep in a bedroom one finds "peaceful."


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